Amazon’s New Cloud Gaming Service ‘Luna’


Amazon has now joined the cloud gaming world with it’s new service, Luna. For only $5.99 a month subscribers will be able to play a wide variety of games. The new platform will be available for PC, MAC, iPhone and iPad, and TV. An Android version is set to be released after the official launch.

Luna will have over 100 games available at launch including Resident Evil 7, Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons, Panzer Dragoon, and more. Amazon has also partnered up with Twitch which will allow streamers to use Luna on the streaming platform. The company has also partnered up with Ubisoft for a new gaming channel. The new cloud gaming service will allow up to two devices simultaneously and will stream at 4K / 60fps resolution.

Is Luna The Next Gaming Giant?

Luna has no official release date yet, but from the looks of it it will be a fierce competitor in the gaming world. Amazon has taken over how we as consumers buy and stream online. If Jeff Bezos has his name on it, it’s bound to cause waves. Sure, Microsoft and Sony have been around for decades, but to have access to hundreds of games for only $5.99 a month you can’t beat that bargain. Plus, the partnership with Twitch and Ubisoft will bring more gamers to the table. It will be interesting to see how things play out.