It has been 6 months since the Detroit Pistons were able to play competitive basketball. Now, the Pistons and seven other teams will hold workouts in their respective cities.
Its not quite the bubble we had hoped for the Detroit Pistons. But, being one of the 8 teams that were not invited to the NBA Bubble in Orlando, the Pistons are creating their own. The NBA and NBPA have reached agreements to allow the Pistons and 7 other teams to have full practices and scrimmages. None of the 8 teams have been able to do so since March 11th. So what will the Pistons “Bubble” look like?
Phase 1
Phase one of the program started yesterday and will go to September 20th. There will be daily testing of all the players and staff.
Phase 2
Phase 2 will start September 21st and will go until October 6th. This is where the bubble will start. All team members will move into the “Bubble”. Which will be located in the city of Detroit. The “Bubble” will have daiy testing and individual rooms for everyone.
Where the “Bubble” will be located has yet to be announced. I bet you they wish the Palace was still open. The Pistons could have easily turned the suites into rooms and had a whole community inside.
What Pistons will attend?
Although the workouts are not mandatory, I would still expect a decent run out by the Pistons. These guys are professional athletes who I am sure would love to get back to working on their craft. Id be surprised if Blake Griffin or Derek Rose show up, but it would be great of they did! The more players that show up can only help the Pistons core build as a group.
The Detroit Pistons will also have have some invitations to players who are not currently on NBA rosters.
Dwayne Casey’s comments
“Hopefully this will give us the opportunity for guys to go competitively five-on-five, three-on-three, whatever the number is to get some competition because that’s so important for the growth, especially for a kid like Sekou, going into his second year.”