Girl Fight in World Series Bathroom


If it isn’t Michigan vs Michigan State, or Old Miss vs LSU woman’s soccer, there is still going to be fights somewhere. Now the World Series has a fight going viral on TikTok.

After a Game 4 loss to the Astros in the World Series a squabble took place at Xfinity Live! Its a popular bar right by Citizens Bank Ballpark.

There isn’t any report on what caused the fight. But, if you watch the video you can see an all out skirmish taking place.  These ladies came to fight!

If you’ve ever been in a fight you know that most of them end up on the ground.  A bathroom is the last place you want your face touching the ground. These ladies didn’t seem to mind as there was hair pulling, full swings and scratching going on.

At one point you can see a woman casually step over the 2 brawling on the ground. Obviously, alcohol played a role in this.  But as long as no one was seriously hurt, girls will be girls.

The funny part is it’s Philly fan on Philly fan crime. Not an Astros jersey to be seen.  Hopefully these ladies can heal quickly because game 5 is tonight and Justin Verlander must prove he can get it done in the World Series.

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