Kevin Hart Fastest Man in The World


A blunder at NBC News puts Kevin Hart’s picture in place of Usain Bolt.

Look, we all make mistakes. Some are just more noticeable than others. That’s why, when NBC put out a story about Usain bolt coming down with COVID-19 and put up a picture of actor Kevin Hart, the internet went wild. No one is quite sure how 5’2″ (exaggerating his shortness) can be mistaken for 6’5″ (not exaggerating his tallness). Or how one of the the most popular comics in the world can be mistaken for the worlds Fastest Human. But, the responses were funny and sad at the same time.

Kevin Hart Addressing the issue

Other Tweets and Reply’s:

What does NBC have to say about Kevin Hart “mix up”

Of course, in 2020, who else do you blame for an issue? Clearly not yourself! NBC released a statement claiming that it was a computer error. That their system accidentally pulled the wrong picture to put it. Even so does NBC not have people proof reading their articles before they go out?

Quote from NBC

“Correction: Due to a technical error, the social image on this post mistakenly featured a photo of comedian Kevin Hart. In the content management system, a social image was not selected, and the system reverted to an image of Hart from an unrelated video. The display image has been corrected.”

Woodward Sports Promise

As a new “News” type origination I can promise that we will never let things get published without at least looking at them. Grammatical errors may slip by, especially with me. Punctuation might not always be perfect with Woodward Sports. But, at least we can tell Kevin Hart and Usain Bolt a part!

Now lets all laugh with Kevin Hart with what he actually does, COMEDY!