NFL to Play on Saturday and Sunday’s


With the NCAA College Football Season up in the air, rumors are The NFL will likely take over Saturdays.

Can the NFL move games?

The NFL would need to get a one year dispensation from it’s broadcast antitrust expedition. This exemption would allow the NFL to sell it’s TV rights in a bundle to be broadcast on Friday and Saturday from Labor Day to December.

This would make a lot of sense for large TV Networks like ABC, NBC, CBS and ESPN to fill some of their missing college slots with The NFL. There is way too much money on the line for all of those listed above to just not have a College Football Season.

Too Much NFL?

I’m not one to cry about more football. But, I do feel there will be some burn on The NFL all together. We already get Monday, Thursday and Sunday’s. Throw in a constant Saturday and a potential Friday, we are talking only Tuesday and Wednesday without football! Too much of anything isn’t good. So lets hope the NFL can find the proper balance. We NEED Football this year. We WANT football this year! Its on you Rodger Goodell to save us from a football-less 2020.