Ninja Returns To Twitch With New Multi-Year Deal


After a year-long hiatus, Ninja is back on the streaming platform Twitch. Previously on Microsoft’s Mixer platform, Ninja has returned and has signed a multi-year deal with the Amazon owned company. The streaming giant kicked off his return to Twitch on Friday playing Fall Guys. Ninja currently holds the record for most followers on Twitch with over 15 million followers.

Ninja released a statement on Friday explaining why he decided to come back to Twitch…

“I am excited to get back to streaming full-time and connecting with my loyal fan base. I really took my time to decide which platform was best. Twitch has been supportive throughout this process and understanding my overall career goals. In this next chapter, I’m going to make it a point to elevate and bring more eyes to underrepresented creators. I am looking forward to working with Twitch to demonstrate how this amazing community can make a meaningful impact.”


Twitch’s Senior Vice President of Content Michael Aragon released this statement on Friday…

Tyler is an iconic force in the gaming community. It’s amazing to see the impact he’s made on the industry and the broader culture. Gaming and the people who love it are being recognized by a broad mainstream audience now. This is in part because of Tyler, and we know he’s just getting started.”

Twitch’s Senior Vice President of Content Michael Aragon

In 2019 Ninja was paid $1 million to promote Apex Legends. This resulted in over 10 million gamers signed up for the game in the in the first three days. Ninja has grown so much over the years, and this is a huge move for Twitch. Ninja is a powerhouse in the gaming world, so this move will obviously continue to increase his star power even more.