Black Isle Studios Surprises With Trailer For The Re-release Of Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance For New Consoles


When it comes to old video games, I’m mostly a sucker for roleplaying games (RPG) and action roleplaying games (aRPG). Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance was an aRPG that developer Snowblind released in the Xbox and PS2 era. To be specific, Snowblind released the original game on December 4, 2001. It is a cherished co-op experience that many fans, like me, have been chasing for years. Whether we played the Dark Alliance sequel, or Snowblind’s similar EverQuest outing, Champions of Norrath, hack-and-slash RPGs were exhilarating. We’ve missed the classics.

Welcome Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance back into the fold, gamers!

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Credit: Interplay/Black Isle Studios/Wizards of the Coast

OG Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance is back!

Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance is coming to the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 & 5, Xbox One, and the Xbox Series X|S. The re-release’s launch trailer arrived today, May 6, and the game releases tomorrow! On May 7, experience Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance in 4K! The price? $29.99 / £29.99. It’s upscaled, sure, but this isn’t a remaster. This still looks like a PS2 title, and that’s perfect. While the game will launch on consoles, there are plans to bring the game to PC and mobile phones in the future.

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance
Credit: Interplay/Black Isle Studios/Wizards of the Coast

On Twitter (and Facebook), Black Isle Studios has been posting HD images of the re-release for a while. They never stated they were working on a re-release in their posts, however.

Wait, that’s not the best one. Look at the tweet below from April 1. 

The teasing began on March 4 and led to the reveal trailer. Why is it all surprising? On December 8, 2003, publisher Interplay Entertainment laid off the entire Black Isle Studios staff (also a publisher), resulting in the cancellation of a Dark Alliance II follow-up. While Interplay revived Black Isle Studious in 2012, they did not produce a new video game, and they took their website offline in 2015. Yet here they are, and below is the reveal trailer.

Snowblind Studios, the original developer, merged with Monolith Productions in 2012. They do not appear involved with the re-release so far.

Don’t forget the new Dark Alliance coming

Tuque Games partnered up with Wizards of the Coast for a reboot of the Dark Alliance series called Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance. It won’t play like the original, nor will it feature the same playable characters. It is a successor ‘in name only.’ Eager fans can expect to play the new Dark Alliance on June 22, 2021. 

Did you play the original? How did you feel about the game? While we’re at it, does the re-release detract from your excitement about the Dark Alliance reboot? I know I’m now rooting for Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance III.