White Not Confident On Nick Diaz UFC Return


White addressed the media during the #DWCS post fight press conference and made it clear that he isn’t too optimistic on Nick Diaz returning to the octagon. Dana claims there’s been talks about Nick Diaz coming back to the UFC for years and years, and that his exceptions are low for his return.


“The Nick Diaz thing…First of all, we would’ve never released that or done that. We’ll see how this thing plays out. I don’t have any expectations, whatsoever. We’ll see what happens. There’s been talking, but there’s been talking for years.

Dana White

Truth be told, White isn’t wrong. Since Diaz last fought in January 2015 there’s been a new rumor every couple of months of the Stockton native possibly returning. This time things seem different though considering there’s video of Diaz in phenomenal shape. Also, it’s not just another TMZ video of Diaz talking about returning, it’s his manager going to the media to say its going to happen. I think if it was ever actually going to happen, the time is now. From the looks of a new video, Diaz looks like he is in phenomenal shape. According to his manager he completed a 14-week training and diet program and is aiming for a late 2020 / early 2021 return.