Detroit Lions long snapper Scott Daly Has a New Position: Teacher


While Tuesdays are typically off days for NFL players, long snapper Scott Daly and his wife had other plans.

The couple spent their Tuesday afternoon at J.E. Clark Preparatory Academy helping students with reading, writing, and drawing. The Dalys spent their time with a third-grade class as their fill-in teachers for the day.  Today’s lesson: the solar system.

Scott and Monica partnered with Athletes for Charity this summer.  Their goal was to adopt a school or a class for the year.  That’s how they were matched with J.E. Clark Prep’s third graders.  Their objective is to enhance the enthusiasm to learn STEM all while developing their reading and writing skills.

“My wife and I are excited to partner with Athletes for Charity and Clark Prep to serve youth in my spare time,” Daly said. “The students are absolutely amazing, and I look forward to experiencing this school year with them and observing their literacy development as we go.”

Daly and his wife also bounced from classroom to classroom saying hello to all of the students.  Not only is Daly encouraging attendance, but he’s offering a reward for those who have 90% or better attendance in the month of September.  

Students at J.E. Clark Preparatory Academy were ecstatic to have Scott Daly in their classrooms. It was clear by the permanent smiles on their faces that Daly and his wife were just as excited to be there.  

Maddy Miller – Detroit Lions Beat Reporter