Jerry Jones Threatens Robert Kraft at the Billionaires Table


The NFL owners held a meeting on Tuesday night and discussed multiple interesting topics. One of those happened to be about commissioner Roger Goodell’s bonus.  According to ESPN, this caused a rift between Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft.

The owners were getting ready to vote on allowing the compensation committee to begin negotiations with Goodell for a new contract. 31 of the 32 owners were on board for his. Jones, who’s allegedly disliked the way Goodell’s contracts have read, was the only one not on board.


The sources said Kraft joined the overwhelming majority in strong support for the measure, with Jones the lone dissenter in the owners-only session, eventually telling Kraft, “Don’t f**k with me.”

Kraft repleid, “Excuse me?”

“Don’t mess with me,” Jones said.

The measure would eventually pass 31-1 with Jones sticking to his guns and voting no.

Yahoo Sports’ Charles Robinson notes that Jones feels Goodell has enjoyed the fruits of labor from past commissioners and owners.

This is why we need Celebrity Deathmatch to come back. Seeing cartoon versions of these two 80-year-old’s duking it out would be hilarious. You could have Tom Brady and Tony Romo doing play-by-play. Rob Gronkowski drives in a beer truck and sprays Jerry Jones down. Pandemonium!

I have to say I’m a little disappointed in Jerry, though. This would’ve been a good time to throw a subtle shot at Kraft due to his massage parlor history. Here are some things Jones could’ve said that would’ve been better than don’t mess with me.

You’re rubbing me the wrong way, Bob.

I’m feeling a little tug over this.

Quit jerking me around Bobby.

Tweet us what you think Jones could’ve said to Kraft @woodwardsports